Blog — Gut Health

Bloating Causes and How to Relieve It

Bloating Causes and How to Relieve It

What is bloating? A bloated stomach usually comes as a sensation of tightness, pressure, or fullness in the abdomen. It may or may not be accompanied by visible swelling of the stomach. The discomfort from bloating can vary from mild to severe pain. Although it often resolves on its own, for some individuals, it can become a persistent issue caused by problems in the digestive system and hormonal changes. It's advised to seek medical attention if your bloating doesn’t go away by itself to identify the underlying cause. What Causes Bloating? Hormones: For women, you might have observed that your abdominal...

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Why Increase Your Fibre Intake

Why Increase Your Fibre Intake

What is Dietary Fibre? Primarily present in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, fibre is known for its capability in alleviating or preventing constipation. However, fibre-rich foods offer additional health advantages, including aiding in weight management and reducing the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers. Dietary fibre, alternatively termed roughage or bulk, includes the indigestible portions of plant-based foods. Unlike fats, proteins, or carbohydrates, which are broken down and absorbed by the body, fibre remains undigested, travels through the stomach, small intestine, and colon before being eliminated from the body mostly intact. Fibre is divided into two types:...

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